Lately I have been journeying through forgiveness and freedom from things I have done in my life and this morning I listened to a sermon by Pastor Dwight Nelson about Grace.
(some of my notes as well as some of Pastor Nelsons pointers)
What is grace?
My bible definition says: the UNDESERVED love and salvation God gives.
Grace means that there is nothing we can do to make God love us more and nothing we can do to make God love us less. -Phil Yancey

Intellectually we accept grace-but emotionally we do not bestow the same grace. Sad day! How do you hope for mercy or grace when you give none!?
My opinion and thoughts based on a letter Pastor Nelson shared during the sermon:
The reason why many people leave the church is because they are afraid that the same people who should be bestowing grace are the ones antagonizing them with no grace. They are holding their shortcomings over their heads and saying there is no grace for you, you have gone too far! OH on the contrary!!! God's grace does not fluctuate like the needle on a gas gauge. There is no empty or full, His grace is constantly overflowing!
We are instructed to 'as freely as you have received, freely give'. This means as Jesus showed grace to Peter and Judas, who betrayed him and had him killed, we are to show the same compassion and grace to others. This grace that is shown to us has a mighty power to change our lives! After I am getting a taste of what this mercy and grace is I want to be different.
Many times we get on our knees to pray for that person who did us wrong. The prayers for them and their wrongness should be accompanied by prayers for ourselves in our wrongness as well. How can we pray for that outward change when there is no change within our own selves?
We think that we have to earn God's grace because as humans we haven't experienced it from Him or experienced it from the people around us. Grace has the power to TRANSFORM the most wretched of sinners, like me, into a mighty warrior for God. God FREELY pours out grace to us and expects us to pour out the same grace to others.
The power to bestow grace doesn't come without help. First you have to learn and accept God's grace for yourself and ask Him to teach you to give the same grace to others. Lose your stubbornness and pride and ask for His help!
Things to ponder:
How often do you give grace?
Have you truly experienced God's grace?
Did you know that there is no requirement to receive grace!? BUT be ready for this grace to transform your life in a radical way!
Suggested Reading:
Ephesians 2- The Message Version
The journey to a new life always begins with one foot.