Well some people have been wondering how my 1st day at SAU went here you go:
I went to sleep last night around 1045p and was woken up at 1230a (eastern) by a phone call. I was so 'excited' I stayed up til around 2am even though the conversation ended at 115a. (lol).
I set my alarm clock for 6am so I could be well prepared to get up for my 800a class and get myself and Ary ready. I turn my blinds down so the light can shine in and I could "see" morning. The alarm went off and I saw it was still dark so I turned over and went back to sleep. BIG mistake! I woke up "10 minutes" later and it was 720a!!!!! Aryana's school bus is scheduled to come at 738a and she was still sleeping too!!!! Talk about STRESS! ARYYYYY GET UP NOW!!! We ran around the house getting ready and she was eating a bagel while walking down the street. I come back and was like, "O man where is that HH building! I dont have time to look online!!! O NO!!!" It was 750 and I threw my books into my bag and flew down the street (luckily I live around 5 minutes from the school). Got there at 757a and thought I parked by the right building.... WRONG... I parked by Herin Hall (MHH not HH) I ran down to Hackman Hall (HH) and got into class at 802. Luckily I wasn't the last person in the class.
The rest of the day went great! I spoke to a friend from FL who was in the Student Center, went to A & P 2 class and sat with a friend and realized that I wasnt the only "mature" student in the class (Thank God lol). I ate lunch with some really nice Campus Ministries people and Brey and ran around a little more. I sang at worship with my new friends from IMPACT SDA (I thought it was a practice but nope lol),bought 5 juice bottles for their breakfast tomorrow and bought food for lunch in the afternoon.
I am SOOOOOOO happy this week went well for Aryana and myself; with it being her first full week at kindergarten and my first day of SAU. It was very tiring but happy that the Lord said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." (Mark 2:27)
I am happy to rest and enjoy family, friends, and most importantly my Creator.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Day 2 - Storms may rise but I will Press on!
I didn't know if I should write today or not but..... ya.... so here:
Last night was a rough night. Full of tears and praying and really just yelling at God, "WHY??? What do you want me to learn from this besides heartache?! Are YOU LISTENING?! HOLD ME! I never imagined loosing your best friend and the love of your life could be so hard. Yes, I broke up with him on April 5, 2011. Ever since then I have been trying to fix everything and piece us together again. People have their off times and don't get along but I never imagined we'd stay apart this long =( . I dream of him coming home to me and Ary and us together again.
To make it easier(NOT) Aryana broke my heart by crying asking me to take her to school. I felt bad because I have been so busy with work that I haven't spent a lot of time with her the past 2 days ,so I took her to school. She needs and deserves her mommy! Being a single parent is hard as crap! You have to balance and fill in where God didn't intend for you to fill in.
While I was at work I read my devotional that I get in my email from Proverbs 31 ministries (amazing let me tell you). The title was "Arise from the wreckage". It talked about Paul and the trials he faced and being shipwrecked but then he writes Romans 8:28 : And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. If all things work together for those who love Him, please count me in GOD! I LOVE you (lol). When I got down to the bottom of it there was a prayer:
Dear Lord, forgive me for wallowing in self-pity and rejection. I trust that You see the bigger picture. I believe there is a purpose for my pain. Strengthen me to rise from my ashes so that others will see You are my help and my salvation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
If that isn't a prayer meant for me!?!?
Stuff happens people! Stuff that makes you feel broken and hopeless but hold onto Him and His promises and you will ride the storm out. YES, I know its easier said than done but Philipians 4:13 your way through it (lol).
Love ya'll and say a prayer if you think of us (yes all 3 of us)!
My song for this week:
Last night was a rough night. Full of tears and praying and really just yelling at God, "WHY??? What do you want me to learn from this besides heartache?! Are YOU LISTENING?! HOLD ME! I never imagined loosing your best friend and the love of your life could be so hard. Yes, I broke up with him on April 5, 2011. Ever since then I have been trying to fix everything and piece us together again. People have their off times and don't get along but I never imagined we'd stay apart this long =( . I dream of him coming home to me and Ary and us together again.
To make it easier(NOT) Aryana broke my heart by crying asking me to take her to school. I felt bad because I have been so busy with work that I haven't spent a lot of time with her the past 2 days ,so I took her to school. She needs and deserves her mommy! Being a single parent is hard as crap! You have to balance and fill in where God didn't intend for you to fill in.
While I was at work I read my devotional that I get in my email from Proverbs 31 ministries (amazing let me tell you). The title was "Arise from the wreckage". It talked about Paul and the trials he faced and being shipwrecked but then he writes Romans 8:28 : And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. If all things work together for those who love Him, please count me in GOD! I LOVE you (lol). When I got down to the bottom of it there was a prayer:
Dear Lord, forgive me for wallowing in self-pity and rejection. I trust that You see the bigger picture. I believe there is a purpose for my pain. Strengthen me to rise from my ashes so that others will see You are my help and my salvation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
If that isn't a prayer meant for me!?!?
Stuff happens people! Stuff that makes you feel broken and hopeless but hold onto Him and His promises and you will ride the storm out. YES, I know its easier said than done but Philipians 4:13 your way through it (lol).
Love ya'll and say a prayer if you think of us (yes all 3 of us)!
My song for this week:
Monday, August 22, 2011
Day 1
Deep breath--> Here we go.....
This past summer has been a mixture of things and crazy emotions for me and I have felt the need to write about some things. While I keep a journal/diary at home, I spend so much time on the internet I figure I would keep something similar on here (maybe not as personal lol). I don't know if this will be a daily or weekly thing.
Today is also the first day of a full week for my monkey (daughter), Aryana. Kindergarten! Who would have thought time would fly by sooooo fast!

Today is the first day of school for my amazing little sister, Juli. HIGH SCHOOL at that! I am so incredibly proud of her and ALL of her accomplishments in the past year. Feels like yesterday I walked her in to Pre-K at Orlando Junior Academy (OJA).

This week is going to be the beginning of my year at Southern (SAU) without my best friend. (That without part hurts the most, maybe I'll blog about him later) I am excited to see what this year brings me and the people I will meet!
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