Monday, October 3, 2011

No more "sham-a-lam"

OK! Let's begin a blog without boo-hoo this or boo-hoo that.
 Time to pull on my pants and stand up like the WOMAN that I am.
Yeah, so breaking up SUCKS! You dont need me to tell you that in some blog! (although I miss him tons...)

Update on me:
WELLLLLL: I've been beasting in my Anatomy class! Shout out to my amazing study group!
Had some fun at all night softball with some amazing chicas and froze my patooties off FOR SURE! 
Been realizing that life isnt so much about marriage like I thought. Maybe I'm becoming anti-marriage (yeah right, just realizing that there is a time and place for that)...
I've been falling more in love with my little monkey and she is AMAZING lemme tell you.
Looking forward to some trips I am planning in the up and coming future! 
Learning how to really enjoy life again after almost loosing it over this summer with something I've mentioned before.

One thing I have learned is that life is to short to be all wrapped in a person, place, or thing. You can't drown yourself in these things or you will miss the important things in life like: laughing so hard you cry, watching and listening to a beautiful little girl read her first books, or 1 more: hearing her precious voice tell you 100 times a day "I love you MOMMY". You miss out on so much when you are making your "sacrifices" in life. 

An old man at work asked me this week : "Are you really willing to sacrifice: time, love, companionship on :money or a job that can leave faster than some of those things your wanting to sacrifice for them? Dont wait until your as old as me to realize that no money in the world can buy you those first things I mentioned."

It really made me think. 

Are you thinking?


1 comment:

  1. proud of you. happy for you. now..i hope one of those trips is somewhere near me :)
