Monday, April 28, 2014

LOVE... I've had my share of love abuse (Journey in Love)

In case you read my other Facebook post on loving your children I want to let you know that I am on kind of a journey right now to learn how to love more efficiently and healing from love abuse. I want to share some of the things I am learning with you.

I am determined to be a better lover as a  mommy, sister, friend, daughter, and one day wife.

 This is something I was reading this morning to accompany another good book I am reading called "How to help your child REALLY love Jesus" by an Adventist author Donna J. Habenicht.

She mentioned neurotic conscience so I googled it and found this::

Neurosis by Dr. Arthur Janov.
(just a snipet from the whole writing)

A loved child is one whose natural needs are fulfilled. Love takes his pain away. An unloved child is the one who hurts because he is unfulfilled. A loved child has no need for praise because he has not been denigrated. He is valued for what he is, not for what he can do to satisfy his parents' needs. A loved child does not grow up into an adult with an insatiable craving for sex. He has been held and caressed by his parents and does not need to use sex to satisfy that early need. Real needs flow from inside out, not the reverse. The need to be held and caressed is part of the need to be stimulated. The skin is our largest sense organ and requires at least as much stimulation as other sense organs. Disastrous consequences can occur when there is insufficient stimulation early in life. Organ systems may begin to atrophy without stimulation; conversely, as Krech has shown,1 with proper stimulation they may develop and grow(Wow). There must be constant mental and physical stimulation.
Primal Pains are the needs and feelings which are repressed or denied by consciousness. They hurt because they have not been allowed expression or fulfillment. These Pains all add up to: I am not loved and have no hope of love when I am really myself.

Each time a child is not held when he needs to be, each time he is shushed, ridiculed, ignored, or pushed beyond his limits, more weight will be added to his pool of hurts. This pool I call the Primal Pool. Each addition to his pool makes the child more unreal and neurotic.

Link to the full article:

Note to ME and also my friends who are parents, teachers, and friends:
Make it your goal to learn to love as God loves you and one of the first ways to do that is to see that maybe you aren't loving to your full potential and need God to teach you and show you to love. Maybe you have experienced love abuse from relationships with family or friends and that's a hard thing to deal with let alone realize that you have gone through.

**GOOD NEWS-----> It's never to late to learn about the greatest commandment that God has given us: 1) Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and all your might. 2) Love your neighbor as yourself.

Our mission was given to us in 1 John 4:7,8: Let us love one another because love comes from God...


one foot at a time

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