The end of the turkey season and I leave mom's house satisfied but not completely. This time leaving made me feel like I am leaving a piece of me in Florida. Yeah, I've missed my Impact family and my family of friends in TN but I wish I could implant them here. For the most part everything was perfect. I miss my mom and dad and the family I have in FL but wish I can join TN and Fl together to make my paradise complete. Whoever you are reading this please pray for me and my future. I know that God has good plans for me. Safe travels to all who are on the road traveling today.
Ps. Aryana lost her first tooth! Baby not a baby anymore [sniff]
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
I fell upon this song and loved it.. hope you do too
Sunday, October 23, 2011
its been 20 days and my smile has grown
Well... its been over 2 weeks since my last post and I will say I am doing pretty good =)
I am growing a lot stronger dealing with certain situations. Just got my midterm grades: A-, B+, and C+ tryin to make my family proud.
I went camping the first weekend of the month and LOVED it. We camped by the Hiawassee River.
I've been so busy with school and being involved in church and am thankful for the people that I am meeting and the new church family I am gaining!
Now to do homework... yippee (blah)
I am growing a lot stronger dealing with certain situations. Just got my midterm grades: A-, B+, and C+ tryin to make my family proud.
I went camping the first weekend of the month and LOVED it. We camped by the Hiawassee River.
I've been so busy with school and being involved in church and am thankful for the people that I am meeting and the new church family I am gaining!
Now to do homework... yippee (blah)
Monday, October 3, 2011
No more "sham-a-lam"
OK! Let's begin a blog without boo-hoo this or boo-hoo that.
Time to pull on my pants and stand up like the WOMAN that I am.
Yeah, so breaking up SUCKS! You dont need me to tell you that in some blog! (although I miss him tons...)
Update on me:
WELLLLLL: I've been beasting in my Anatomy class! Shout out to my amazing study group!
Had some fun at all night softball with some amazing chicas and froze my patooties off FOR SURE!
Been realizing that life isnt so much about marriage like I thought. Maybe I'm becoming anti-marriage (yeah right, just realizing that there is a time and place for that)...
I've been falling more in love with my little monkey and she is AMAZING lemme tell you.
Looking forward to some trips I am planning in the up and coming future!
Learning how to really enjoy life again after almost loosing it over this summer with something I've mentioned before.
One thing I have learned is that life is to short to be all wrapped in a person, place, or thing. You can't drown yourself in these things or you will miss the important things in life like: laughing so hard you cry, watching and listening to a beautiful little girl read her first books, or 1 more: hearing her precious voice tell you 100 times a day "I love you MOMMY". You miss out on so much when you are making your "sacrifices" in life.
An old man at work asked me this week : "Are you really willing to sacrifice: time, love, companionship on :money or a job that can leave faster than some of those things your wanting to sacrifice for them? Dont wait until your as old as me to realize that no money in the world can buy you those first things I mentioned."
It really made me think.
Are you thinking?
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Why do I still hurt? How many more hours will I spend crying?!?!
I have never felt this way in my whole life! In a few days will be the 3rd anniversary of when I met this crazy guy who wanted to talk politics while being oh so philosophical all at the same time at all night softball at SAU and I fell head over heels. Holidays are coming.... EHHH I've never wanted them to stay so far away....!
One would think that 6 months later after breaking up that I'd be healed up and ready to go but ummm not so much. First, I am in a community that as far as everyone knows I still belong to him and him to me (so no one probably will ask me out). Second, part of me isnt ready. Dont get me wrong: if the super right guy presents himself MAYBE but even then it might be hard to trust them. What do you do when you give your heart to someone and put your whole future in their hands to have that snatched up in an instance? WOOOO... yeh......
I am thankful for the girls that I have met that are going through similar things and even those who arent but still come and pray with me when they see me crying. They have been heaven sent! God has and will continue to carry me!
Now to keep my mind busy and study Anatomy!
I have never felt this way in my whole life! In a few days will be the 3rd anniversary of when I met this crazy guy who wanted to talk politics while being oh so philosophical all at the same time at all night softball at SAU and I fell head over heels. Holidays are coming.... EHHH I've never wanted them to stay so far away....!
One would think that 6 months later after breaking up that I'd be healed up and ready to go but ummm not so much. First, I am in a community that as far as everyone knows I still belong to him and him to me (so no one probably will ask me out). Second, part of me isnt ready. Dont get me wrong: if the super right guy presents himself MAYBE but even then it might be hard to trust them. What do you do when you give your heart to someone and put your whole future in their hands to have that snatched up in an instance? WOOOO... yeh......
I am thankful for the girls that I have met that are going through similar things and even those who arent but still come and pray with me when they see me crying. They have been heaven sent! God has and will continue to carry me!
Now to keep my mind busy and study Anatomy!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
So my writings have been far apart... opps...
This last week was pretty good. Healed from my minor surgery well! Thank the Lord. I had to say goodbye to the best boss in the WORLD. (Yes, I am biased =D ) I never imagined how much I could love her! She is an AMAZING person and I am blessed to have her in my life. It was rough saying goodbye because I feel like I've lost so many loved ones this year and it sucks!!!! First my Great Grandfather, then my boyfriend, now my best friend/boss. I almost was like Lord how many more!!?!?! I know God is taking of the 2 that are still alive. I am not the best at saying goodbye! My thing is you never know when you will see those people again and to me its so important to make the most of every second that you spend with them.
Also this week there were SOO many people who's lives were torn apart with these storms! Lord, come! It's rough hearing about it and not really being able to do anything to help them and replace the many things they have lost in these storms.
Through all I have been through the Lord is really allowing me to reach out to people who are and have gone through similar situations. It is helping little by little and strengthening me at the same time. It's not easy loosing anyone.
Be thou encouraged!
Happy New Week!
This last week was pretty good. Healed from my minor surgery well! Thank the Lord. I had to say goodbye to the best boss in the WORLD. (Yes, I am biased =D ) I never imagined how much I could love her! She is an AMAZING person and I am blessed to have her in my life. It was rough saying goodbye because I feel like I've lost so many loved ones this year and it sucks!!!! First my Great Grandfather, then my boyfriend, now my best friend/boss. I almost was like Lord how many more!!?!?! I know God is taking of the 2 that are still alive. I am not the best at saying goodbye! My thing is you never know when you will see those people again and to me its so important to make the most of every second that you spend with them.
Also this week there were SOO many people who's lives were torn apart with these storms! Lord, come! It's rough hearing about it and not really being able to do anything to help them and replace the many things they have lost in these storms.
Through all I have been through the Lord is really allowing me to reach out to people who are and have gone through similar situations. It is helping little by little and strengthening me at the same time. It's not easy loosing anyone.
Be thou encouraged!
Happy New Week!
Friday, September 2, 2011
End of wk 2
O Sabbath how you were made for my rest! This week was a little crazy to say the least. I feel like everyone is having a rough time getting in the swing of the year. I wasn't late for any classes this week but I missed 2.75 (2 and 3/4 of a class). Not super crazy about that. Thankful my procedure went well and it feels like the recovery might not be so long (AMEN). Aryana is loving school but is so exhausted every day! I played softball this week with No Fear (my team), that was a blast! Right after I did Insanity and Im even more sore today than yesterday lol. School it pretty good. Im disappointed that I cant take Elementary Spanish 101. I took the placement test and they said i scored 464 (Level 4) and could take the challenge exam if I wanted. I think in Spring 2012 I will take the challenge test. Spanish is definitely a work in progress for me but getting lots better.
Please continue to pray for "Us" and that Ary, Juli (lil sis), and I continue to do well in school this semester.
Please continue to pray for "Us" and that Ary, Juli (lil sis), and I continue to do well in school this semester.
Friday, August 26, 2011
First week of firsts
Well some people have been wondering how my 1st day at SAU went here you go:
I went to sleep last night around 1045p and was woken up at 1230a (eastern) by a phone call. I was so 'excited' I stayed up til around 2am even though the conversation ended at 115a. (lol).
I set my alarm clock for 6am so I could be well prepared to get up for my 800a class and get myself and Ary ready. I turn my blinds down so the light can shine in and I could "see" morning. The alarm went off and I saw it was still dark so I turned over and went back to sleep. BIG mistake! I woke up "10 minutes" later and it was 720a!!!!! Aryana's school bus is scheduled to come at 738a and she was still sleeping too!!!! Talk about STRESS! ARYYYYY GET UP NOW!!! We ran around the house getting ready and she was eating a bagel while walking down the street. I come back and was like, "O man where is that HH building! I dont have time to look online!!! O NO!!!" It was 750 and I threw my books into my bag and flew down the street (luckily I live around 5 minutes from the school). Got there at 757a and thought I parked by the right building.... WRONG... I parked by Herin Hall (MHH not HH) I ran down to Hackman Hall (HH) and got into class at 802. Luckily I wasn't the last person in the class.
The rest of the day went great! I spoke to a friend from FL who was in the Student Center, went to A & P 2 class and sat with a friend and realized that I wasnt the only "mature" student in the class (Thank God lol). I ate lunch with some really nice Campus Ministries people and Brey and ran around a little more. I sang at worship with my new friends from IMPACT SDA (I thought it was a practice but nope lol),bought 5 juice bottles for their breakfast tomorrow and bought food for lunch in the afternoon.
I am SOOOOOOO happy this week went well for Aryana and myself; with it being her first full week at kindergarten and my first day of SAU. It was very tiring but happy that the Lord said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." (Mark 2:27)
I am happy to rest and enjoy family, friends, and most importantly my Creator.
I went to sleep last night around 1045p and was woken up at 1230a (eastern) by a phone call. I was so 'excited' I stayed up til around 2am even though the conversation ended at 115a. (lol).
I set my alarm clock for 6am so I could be well prepared to get up for my 800a class and get myself and Ary ready. I turn my blinds down so the light can shine in and I could "see" morning. The alarm went off and I saw it was still dark so I turned over and went back to sleep. BIG mistake! I woke up "10 minutes" later and it was 720a!!!!! Aryana's school bus is scheduled to come at 738a and she was still sleeping too!!!! Talk about STRESS! ARYYYYY GET UP NOW!!! We ran around the house getting ready and she was eating a bagel while walking down the street. I come back and was like, "O man where is that HH building! I dont have time to look online!!! O NO!!!" It was 750 and I threw my books into my bag and flew down the street (luckily I live around 5 minutes from the school). Got there at 757a and thought I parked by the right building.... WRONG... I parked by Herin Hall (MHH not HH) I ran down to Hackman Hall (HH) and got into class at 802. Luckily I wasn't the last person in the class.
The rest of the day went great! I spoke to a friend from FL who was in the Student Center, went to A & P 2 class and sat with a friend and realized that I wasnt the only "mature" student in the class (Thank God lol). I ate lunch with some really nice Campus Ministries people and Brey and ran around a little more. I sang at worship with my new friends from IMPACT SDA (I thought it was a practice but nope lol),bought 5 juice bottles for their breakfast tomorrow and bought food for lunch in the afternoon.
I am SOOOOOOO happy this week went well for Aryana and myself; with it being her first full week at kindergarten and my first day of SAU. It was very tiring but happy that the Lord said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." (Mark 2:27)
I am happy to rest and enjoy family, friends, and most importantly my Creator.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Day 2 - Storms may rise but I will Press on!
I didn't know if I should write today or not but..... ya.... so here:
Last night was a rough night. Full of tears and praying and really just yelling at God, "WHY??? What do you want me to learn from this besides heartache?! Are YOU LISTENING?! HOLD ME! I never imagined loosing your best friend and the love of your life could be so hard. Yes, I broke up with him on April 5, 2011. Ever since then I have been trying to fix everything and piece us together again. People have their off times and don't get along but I never imagined we'd stay apart this long =( . I dream of him coming home to me and Ary and us together again.
To make it easier(NOT) Aryana broke my heart by crying asking me to take her to school. I felt bad because I have been so busy with work that I haven't spent a lot of time with her the past 2 days ,so I took her to school. She needs and deserves her mommy! Being a single parent is hard as crap! You have to balance and fill in where God didn't intend for you to fill in.
While I was at work I read my devotional that I get in my email from Proverbs 31 ministries (amazing let me tell you). The title was "Arise from the wreckage". It talked about Paul and the trials he faced and being shipwrecked but then he writes Romans 8:28 : And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. If all things work together for those who love Him, please count me in GOD! I LOVE you (lol). When I got down to the bottom of it there was a prayer:
Dear Lord, forgive me for wallowing in self-pity and rejection. I trust that You see the bigger picture. I believe there is a purpose for my pain. Strengthen me to rise from my ashes so that others will see You are my help and my salvation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
If that isn't a prayer meant for me!?!?
Stuff happens people! Stuff that makes you feel broken and hopeless but hold onto Him and His promises and you will ride the storm out. YES, I know its easier said than done but Philipians 4:13 your way through it (lol).
Love ya'll and say a prayer if you think of us (yes all 3 of us)!
My song for this week:
Last night was a rough night. Full of tears and praying and really just yelling at God, "WHY??? What do you want me to learn from this besides heartache?! Are YOU LISTENING?! HOLD ME! I never imagined loosing your best friend and the love of your life could be so hard. Yes, I broke up with him on April 5, 2011. Ever since then I have been trying to fix everything and piece us together again. People have their off times and don't get along but I never imagined we'd stay apart this long =( . I dream of him coming home to me and Ary and us together again.
To make it easier(NOT) Aryana broke my heart by crying asking me to take her to school. I felt bad because I have been so busy with work that I haven't spent a lot of time with her the past 2 days ,so I took her to school. She needs and deserves her mommy! Being a single parent is hard as crap! You have to balance and fill in where God didn't intend for you to fill in.
While I was at work I read my devotional that I get in my email from Proverbs 31 ministries (amazing let me tell you). The title was "Arise from the wreckage". It talked about Paul and the trials he faced and being shipwrecked but then he writes Romans 8:28 : And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. If all things work together for those who love Him, please count me in GOD! I LOVE you (lol). When I got down to the bottom of it there was a prayer:
Dear Lord, forgive me for wallowing in self-pity and rejection. I trust that You see the bigger picture. I believe there is a purpose for my pain. Strengthen me to rise from my ashes so that others will see You are my help and my salvation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
If that isn't a prayer meant for me!?!?
Stuff happens people! Stuff that makes you feel broken and hopeless but hold onto Him and His promises and you will ride the storm out. YES, I know its easier said than done but Philipians 4:13 your way through it (lol).
Love ya'll and say a prayer if you think of us (yes all 3 of us)!
My song for this week:
Monday, August 22, 2011
Day 1
Deep breath--> Here we go.....
This past summer has been a mixture of things and crazy emotions for me and I have felt the need to write about some things. While I keep a journal/diary at home, I spend so much time on the internet I figure I would keep something similar on here (maybe not as personal lol). I don't know if this will be a daily or weekly thing.
Today is also the first day of a full week for my monkey (daughter), Aryana. Kindergarten! Who would have thought time would fly by sooooo fast!

Today is the first day of school for my amazing little sister, Juli. HIGH SCHOOL at that! I am so incredibly proud of her and ALL of her accomplishments in the past year. Feels like yesterday I walked her in to Pre-K at Orlando Junior Academy (OJA).

This week is going to be the beginning of my year at Southern (SAU) without my best friend. (That without part hurts the most, maybe I'll blog about him later) I am excited to see what this year brings me and the people I will meet!
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